Even if it involves a 1500km road trip it sometimes still makes most sense to deliver a trike in person, this delivery to Rennes in Brittany was a good example: Matthieu Penet’s young company Ludik Énergie use bicycle technology to educate, entertain and promote the transition to a low-carbon economy in Brittany and around France. Since first seeing the Velopresso on our website, then visiting our factory last year, Matthieu had set his heart on buying a Velopresso for his company. With no background in coffee we proposed that he seek out a local roastery to supply beans, training and general guidance on the coffee side. We delivered the new Velopresso (trike VP014) to Rennes and spent a day training the Ludik Énergie team on operation and maintenance. The session was also attended by local roaster Felix from Les Cafés Felix and we all enjoyed his very delicious coffee made by first-time barista Vincent Marchand. The transition from dynamic animateurs to artisan baristas involves a steep learning curve, but with their passion for cycling and excellent beans and guidance from Felix, and our one-to-one introduction to the Velopresso, the Ludik Énergie team had already made a great start on that journey by the time we were heading back across the sea on ours.
A Delivery to Ludik Énergie in Rennes, France