Building a Mini-Holland in Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest is one of the three London Boroughs so far to have been awarded the £27million funding from Transport for London to implement a borough-wide ‘Mini-Holland’ infrastructure regeneration scheme, which aims to encourage people to take up cycling and walking and reduce car use in the borough. Velopresso were selected by the Waltham Forest’s Mini-Holland team as the perfect promotional partner for a series of events over the year from the opening of new cycle ways and hubs, to mass rides and festivals planned in the borough. Our first event was the opening of one of their many new cycle hubs (providing secure bicycle storage for commuters) at the just opened new Lea Bridge overground train station (right on our doorstep!), where we served pedal-powered coffee to the Mini-Holland team, council leaders, London Cycling Campaign members, and local residents. Our Velopresso trike has been rebranded in a smart ‘Cycle Waltham Forest’ livery for the season, and we’re looking forward to supporting this pro-cycling agenda again later this summer.

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